NALMA, other regional land associations, and BCALM do not provide legal advice. The contents of this website are for information only and SHOULD NOT be considered legal advice. Any transaction may affect your legal rights and we strongly suggest that you seek independent legal counsel from a lawyer who can familiarize themselves with your specific circumstances, the provisions of the Indian Act (or their land code), and other applicable legislation, such as the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act (FHRMIRA) or First Nation Matrimonial Real Property (MRP) law, and provide guidance on how best to move your matter forward.
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National Additions to Reserve Tracking System (NATS) – Virtual
November 13, 2024
The National Addition to Reserve Tracking System (NATS) is a database used to record Addition to Reserve proposals submitted to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). NATS allows for the ability to provide a secure and protected online system as per the Policy on Government Security, submit Addition to Reserve (ATR) proposals, and track the status of their proposals online via the portal. This training will provide First Nations with a detailed explanation of the NATS Portal, explain data entry and the general operation of NATS.
Date: November 13, 2024
Time: 1-hour session
Location: Virtual
Language Delivery: English
For more information, please contact Crystal Bourke at [email protected]
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